
Kustom Mercs Forever II

Uma melhorada no Mercury hardtop: moldura cromada na janela, saia original, grade com "dentes" de Chevrolet 1954, parachoques traseiros com abertura para a descarga, ligeira modificação no vidro traseiro e pintura saia e blusa. Com esta pintura o carro parece mais esbelto.
Improving the hardtop Mercury: side window sills, stock skirt, Chevy 54 grille, exhausts openings on the rear bumpers, revised backlight and 2-tone paint making the car look sleeker.

6 comentários:

  1. I love that front grill. Nice render, looks very aggressive, maybe darker colors could make this car looks more aggressive either, maybe dark blue could give "Gothic City" look.
    What are these lines in top view at car's bottom side? are these some reflections? I know these are not bumps, but look like them.

  2. Janidotux - yes they are reflections from the HDRI map.

  3. Nice and brute! Congrats! ;)

    Jomar Machado

  4. How do you do your paint schemes? UV layout in Photoshop?

  5. Well i draw them in Corel then export as JPG to UV Map as Planar maps. Usually a black and white image to work as a mask in a Blend material.
